Japan researchers say ozone effective in neutralising coronavirus
Japanese researchers said on Wednesday that low concentrations of ozone can neutralize coronavirus particles,...
Air Pollution Impact and 10 Ways to Protect Yourself
With statistics on chronic respiratory diseases growing exponentially, people get concerned most about how to not...
Do Air Purifiers Really Work: The Big Guide
Clean indoor air is a basic physiological need. If you do not live in a rural suburb or at least around a city park,...
What Ozone Generator Manufacturers Don't Tell You
Ozone is a pale blue toxic gas with an obvious metallicy scent. It has powerful oxidizing properties, can be natural...
Musty Scent at Home. What Does Mold Smell Like and how to Eliminate it?
Everyone who has faced the problem of an unpleasant odor from things in the house is wondering how to get rid of mildew...
Is Ozone Good for You and What Does Ozone Smell Like?
The ozone layer protects the planet Earth from ultraviolet radiation, we smell it after a thunderstorm. Due to its...
The Difference Between Mold and Mildew Explained
Confusing mildew vs mold is rather commonplace, considering that both are fungi. Besides, the two thrive in warm humid...
How to Make Your Room Smell Good? Easy Steps to Make a Room Smell Good
Environmentalists and human resources experts talk about stuffiness, temperature, and humidity. How about the... Details
What is Coronavirus and What Hazards Does it Present to Humans?
The world seems to have turned upside down since COVID-19 started marching across the globe. No one feels safe anymore,...
COVID-19: About air Purifiers Capturing Coronavirus and Ways to Avoid the Disease
Some producers of air purifiers spread faulty claims about their products. With a lot of speculation going on nowadays,...
An Early 2020 Influenza Outbreak in the US Gets Thousands Killed but can be Avoided. Learn how
Epidemiologists claim the flu season is off to its rapid start in the US and as big as it has not been in fifteen...
How the Air Purifier Helped Me: Real Reviews
In this article, we have compiled the reviews of three verified customers who have purchased air purification systems....
Air Purifiers that fit People with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity best?
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity is currently viewed as a kind of environmental intolerance. In fact, it is a disorder of...
Can bacteria and viruses be removed from the air at my home?
With another flu season coming up it makes sense to take care of the environment ahead of time. Plenty of water, proper...